mixed media

Hughes major and mini minor

Family lunchtime at our home on Sundays. Ezra our 2 year old grandson wanted to do a bit of drawing this afternoon. Mixed media. Coloured pencils and crayons - combined effort. He was most fascinated by the effect of colouring around and over masking tape, then removing it. Think he might have covered the paper completely.... perhaps in the future. Now back to my other pieces of artwork.

Camara Del Lobos 02

Great news. I've started painting again. I've not done a "proper" painting since August last year - apart from some outside sketching, adding to our Ezra's diary/book and a couple of commissions! This one's another acrylic of Camara Del Lobos in Madeira. The attached photo is the pencil (stage 1) version with some tissue paper glued to the foreground to give a bit of texture. I've set myself a target of 20 paintings by the last week in October this year.... can I do it, will I survive that long? I'll let you know.